14.4 so far this winter ... scary I know. After I finish the rest of the delete and upload the stage 2 tune, and put in a new intake manifold without the swirl valves or throttle body butterfly, I'm hoping that'll change for the better.
I have been really tempted to ask someone like Haltech to come up with a CPS relocation kit with a bolt-on reluctor and put the darn thing back up front where it belongs and is far more serviceable.
For longevity (the core of my build as well) - I went with an SFT tune currently stage 1, but...
So... we all know that forcing a diesel engine to eat it's own soot leads to premature engine bearing failure - just look around the forums for 'dead engine' threads. It's safe to say the EPA single-handedly ruined the reputations of countless engine producers, including our humble little...
Third regen in less than 2 months - maaaaybe 800 miles.... normal? :unsure:
I'm starting to wonder if this is happening suddenly because I tried a cetane booster - add a couple ounces for a tank kind of situation. Usually I just run Howes Meaner-Kleaner but I thought I'd give this other stuff a...
You almost never hear of these problems in Europe or with fully deleted engines. I've done a stage 1 tune which turns off my EGR but keeps the DEF injector going. I've got a new intake in a box with the swirl valves removed but the actuator motor still there to plug in and keep the ECU happy...
One thing I had to learn to acclimate myself to seeing was a lesson someone once taught me about the difference between gas and diesel engines
* gas engines you want to get the heat OUT (coolant around 160-190 is ideal)
* diesels you want to keep the heat IN (coolant around 190-208 is normal)...
Mine will do that too, but essentially I'm exploring "truck stop" features. Sitting around at low idle for long stretches doesn't do any engine good, but if you prop it up a little north of 1100, the consensus is more positive. I used to wonder why even bigger rigs would idle up a little at...
Short update : So oddly enough, a little over 300 miles later, I received the Regen 80% full message a second time. This time I was able to run it down the Interstate and have it do the whole thing in 1 trip - but I found it a little strange that it came back and did another one so quickly...
Fast forward to about 3 minutes and 54 seconds, I did the heater valve and show where the drain is for the rad - it's on the driver's side. Hopefully it's the same on a '20 as it is on my '16 since the radiators seem to be 2013-2022 listings.
I'm about to do this very same job in the name of getting it out of the way, and to install a clean, new, sootless intake. As near as I can tell the biggest worry for me is the wiring and having to throw the passenger side harness across the driver's side of the engine, and maybe the fuel lines...
It is my understanding that running your diesel at the standard idle speed is probably not a good idea long-term. I've built and tuned this thing so far with longevity in mind, but there's the occasional camping trip where I'd like to leave the engine running on a beach campsite or something...
It took 18 miles, but it finally did the regen. I had to get it up over 70 in 7th before the progress started ticking down, but when it started, it came down pretty quick. It crept up to 90% on the way to fill up before getting on the Interstate, but at least I'm not sweating the display now...
So after poking around, it appears there is an actual progress update on the display (watched a few people go less than 5 miles and it dropped 10% twice on their displays) ... I guess I will have to get it on the interstate more than 50 before it starts ticking down. 😒
How's your oil pressure looking?
I've never heard of it happening on one of these engines yet, but I've had quite a number of flexplates fail on several AMC V8's over the years and they sound like horrific rod knocks right before it goes. Generally that break happens right around the flange...
I've had my rig now for about 26 months and 9,000 miles - I'm in the neighborhood of about 1155xx miles. Today was the first time since I've taken ownership that I received the "Exhaust System Regeneration in Process Exhaust Filter 80% Full" So, this happened half way on my way to work, which...
So... I ran across this guy in my feed this morning. I wonder if he's a poster here. 900,000 km's ... that's higher than my friend's 2018 with 447k miles (700000+ kms). :oops:
He claims he did a full delete .... at 750,000km's. I wonder what his intake looks like inside.
This may sound a little strange, but before I had my TIPM replaced, and found a broken power wire in the harness headed to my lift pump, I received that same error twice with the throttle and how it'd go into limp mode. After the above was checked and replaced, it hasn't come back since. I'm not...
These engines really remind me of a person who knows they have clogged arteries, but will still eat fatty food anyway. It's really strange that you had mains go, but no rods go, and the bores not getting scoured up with all the soot which is what commonly kills these. Since you're already in it...
O2 sensor code and air temp sensor issue from those codes? Did it belch a little puff of soot before stalling, or stay clean? Could it have flooded to a stall, or leaned to one?