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Service Electronic Throttle Control


New Member
Jun 14, 2018
Truck Year
I am a new member (obviously) and certainly realize that there are other threads on here concerning the "Service Electronic Throttle Control" message along with the CEL illuminating. I started a new thread because I don't want a "me too" buried in someone's thread. In fact, I think this is such an issue that everyone should start a new thread. Well, anyhow, here is my short story...

Purchased a used 2015 ED Laramie with about 85,000 miles on it. Yep, lot of miles, but I figured that was good since they were highway miles. I don't (can't) buy new truck(s) because I can't afford it (well, actually I can but have better things to spend my money on).
Had this truck three months and got the Service ETC about a month ago. Cleaned the boost sensor a few times along with the intake tube. Replaced boost sensor. Still ETC message. Took it to the dealer, which has been great to my family for decades (small town). They have had it a month and replaced a part of the intake snorkel, which apparently had a crack in it, along with the MAP sensor. Thought they had it fixed. Took it home today and 20 miles it throws the code again. I have no hope of getting this truck fixed frankly.

The mechanic did mention that there is a service bulletin coming out along with a PCM update regarding the P0299 code, but he did not know of a time frame.

I bought an extended powertrain warranty but so far that has not done me much good. I believe I am out of luck regarding any lemon laws (Wisconsin). Do I have any recourse other than what the dealer might do for me? Or am I just SOL?

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
7Milesup... I would have to look at you Modules VIA WITECH. at Times I will reflash PCM/BCM and reset the APPS. lots of communication issues resolved by Updates and settings.


New Member
Jun 14, 2018
Truck Year
Thanks for the input TC. I do know that the PCM is up to date with the latest revision. Not sure if you are saying that a re-flash is the way to go or what.

As mentioned in my previous post, there is supposed to be a new PCM update coming, but we do not know when yet.

Just dropped it off at the dealer. Told him it had to go so he is looking at options, including a trade on a 2016 Laramie with the 5.7L in it. It is identical to mine for options, etc.
I am at the point with this truck that I cannot trust it. I would never even think of taking a trip in it, and for me, that means it needs to find some other sucker to buy her.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
I hear Ya 7Mile. If things don't work out Call Me.


New Member
Jun 14, 2018
Truck Year
Truck in the shop yet. So far they have replaced the MAF, Turbo boost sensor, all the injectors and rails and lastly, the EGR. The P0299 code has gone away but now getting the P026D code. Had a discussion with the dealer about a GDE tune but since my truck has been elevated to a different status at Chrysler, we have decided to see this part through. Once the issues are resolved, then a GDE tune, or get rid of the truck and move on to something different.
I do have a friend that has an Ecodesiel Ram with 78,000 miles on it and he has had zero issues with it. No tune. Standard maintenance including semi-synthetic oil that he has been running (Cenpeco).


New Member
Jun 14, 2018
Truck Year
They are now replacing the intake manifold on mine. Service manager said that when he took the old intake manifold off that there was so much soot in there he was surprised it ran at all.


New Member
Jun 14, 2018
Truck Year
Yes, of course. I am over at the other Ram 1500 Diesel forum a lot with most of my postings over there.

So, in addition to all of above items they replaced, the last thing that they replaced was the DPF (Diesel Particulate Filter), which is a $2500 part. After replacing the DPF, the truck had no change in it's ability to run. In fact, when I picked the truck up after the new DPF, I literally made it about 4 blocks and it went into limp mode again. I returned to the shop and got back in my loaner truck. The dealer called a few days later and told me that FCA's "fix" at this point was to buy me a code reader to reset the codes as I go. Nice huh? Not the dealers fault, but rather FCA.
I decided to buy a Green Diesel Tune after talking to Keith at GDE. I had been talking to the dealer about the tune and he was all for it. So I went and got my truck, limped it home and installed the GDE tune. Started up right away and ran perfect with no codes. The horrendous throttle lag (some are calling it a turbo lag but that is not correct) was gone.
I now have 99,xxx miles on my truck, with about 6,000 or so on the GDE tune. No codes, No throttle lag. My oil actually looks good after a few thousand miles, not like black paint. Truck runs perfect other than I don't get the great mileage that some talk about. Best I got is 30. Now in the winter with winter fuel and the cold, just running around I get about 22-ish and about 27 on the highway.
All of this cost me zero. Dealer picked up everything for me, including the GDE tune. Yes, you read that correctly. My dealer is awesome.


New Member
Jun 14, 2018
Truck Year
As a side bar, I do love my truck. The ride and comfort in my Laramie is just awesome. Best truck I have ever owned. But, I do worry about taking it on a long trip and having the engine grenade. My wife wanted to make a trip around lake Superior and I want to take the truck, but not sure if I trust the bearings in that engine to do that. Would suck to get suck a long ways from home and then have to transport the truck back to my dealer (because I won't let most of the other crooked dealerships work on my truck. As you may know though, most of these engines have a mechanical failure within the first 30,000 miles because of improperly assembled lower end. I have seen a few reports over on the other site of higher mileage trucks failing, but it is the exception rather than the norm, so theoretically I should be well past that possibility. Still not sure if I trust it to end up 2000 miles from home.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
I've change My stand on Tuning for the 3.0, in long term ownership it needs to be done....In My other thread My EGR and intake was replaced (BY FCA) " even at 10K miles foaming service" In most cases in long term ownership the EGR and Intake will need replacing at cost of 2-3K$ US.


Oct 3, 2018
Truck Year
Not Listed
Wow. My truck has 4000 miles and ive already changed the oil and filter. I am afraid of the tune because of the warranty, but, i love my truck. My fingersvare crossed. Hope your confidence builds with your truck and you take the big trip. By the way, just back from a vegas trip, rented a camry, cheap and no worries!

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Ahhh, just buy 2 ECM/PCM's and before any Dealer visit put some miles on the OEM ECM/PCM, the logger will delete pass usage.

We'll since I change My stand on tuning for the 3.0 ,I might as well tell owners how to do it.


Oct 3, 2018
Truck Year
Not Listed
What was your change, you have been a tuner guy all along havent you? Thanks

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
No, at first I was adamantly oppose to it, I supported intake foaming as regular maintenance , But that didn't save My intake, it became soot-ed (at 43K miles) up and the vehicle started to pulsate, Swirl valves sticking, I was lucky it did NOT warped the valve's...


New Member
Jun 14, 2018
Truck Year
Here is my take on the GDE tune and the warranty. As TC Diesel suggested, get a second ECM to program and keep your original, or vice versa. I purchased an ECM from www.car-part.com which cost me about $230 or so. Mine was actually from a Jeep Grand Cherokee with the EcoDiesel in it. I sent that to GDE to tune and kept my original ECM, which ironically still has the error codes in it from when I limped it home.
I do not worry about the warranty, but then again my dealer is great and the lead tech I deal with knows not to mess with my computer. Also, in my opinion, the chances of this engine lasting without issues are slim to none without a tune. So, don't get a tune and have a truck that is breathing its own waste (which some of that ends up in the oil) and then take it back and forth to the dealer what it starts throwing codes, or put the tune in, have a clean burning diesel that is not choking on its own waste and not have to take it to the dealer for warranty work, at least not for the engine in most likely hood. A lot of guys say they are not going to put the tune in until the end of the warranty. In my opinion, that is too late. The soot has already wreaked havoc with the internals.


New Member
Jun 14, 2018
Truck Year
Here are some pictures of my intake at 92,000 miles without a tune. I bought my truck used. Now I wish my engine would grenade so I could start over. lol


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Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
limp mode again. I returned to the shop and got back in my loaner truck. The dealer called a few days later and told me that FCA's "fix"
Now I wish my engine would grenade so I could start over. lol

No!! Way to expensive and the headache that comes along with it... :D