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John Jensen
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  • Hey John, I see that you seem to have the most online presence when it comes to forums that have to do with any tuning of the Ecodiesel RAM :)
    Meaning you are probably the best guy to talk with if I was looking for a used GDE ECU.

    I just purchased a 2015 RAM ED and when cold, it. just. won't. go :(.

    Maybe I should just go with SFT and wait until the $720 sale price happens again.
    John Jensen
    John Jensen
    If you mention that I referred you Jimmy may give you the 20% off the price. I can guarantee he will give you 10% off. Give him a call.

    I have a usee stock ECU for sale @ 425 incl shipping if you can't find what you are looking for
    Like many in the forum I was waiting to get the settlement check back then was planning to order the GDE tune.... It looks like SFT still has a good product so I'm going to call them today and order their Engine and Transmission Tune if they're still offering. Do you mind if I mention your name for the discount you mentioned to TechGurru?
    The ECO doesn't like someone getting on it when it's cold, I let mine warm up gradually to assist the turbo. I don't go over 2000 RPM for up to 10 minutes, once it's warm the turbo moves things along nicely. Does your ECO get better when warm?
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