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  • Hello BoostN, I'm not able to PM you so did you delete my last post in the Considering a new ecodiesel thread? If so what was the issue with it? Thanks
    Hi Sir do have any info on any eco diesel that went over 200000 on the same engine and tranny? Thank you in advance
    Douglas Ruszcyk
    I have had two blown engines since August 2016. FCA has refused to take truck back. Hired lawyer and refused with attorney. They keep making up stories because they dont know how to fix it. Engine flawed. My truck is back at dealer again with low oil pressure. There trying to say bad fuel. 8k repair at my expense on this newly installed second engine. Called bank and told them I am forced to walk away.
    Hi sir have heard of the law suit. And what do you think will happened. Would they by back this trucks . My truck at the dealership getting new motor. https://youtu.be/ZR-BwGoc3R8
    No one really knows at this point. It might take a few years to get to the bottom of it.
    is there a back up that can be acquired for the GDE tune just in case you have to go to dealer and they reflash your ecu
    You would have to have a total different ECM and swap your stock ECM when visiting the dealer.
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    Reactions: EOC
    New Taking my 2015 Ram in tomorrow for 20k
    The 5-40 oil is what is current spec,correct?
    Looks like they did the PCM regrogram on a previous non oil change visit.
    Are the EcoDiesel.Com stickers still available?
    Would like to get one please.....
    home address.....216-151 Taylor Road, Kelowna, BC, Canada, v1x 8e2
    Thanking you in advance
    They are, it will take me a few more days to get it to Canada but I'll get one sent. Thanks!!
    I wish to receive an Ecodiesel. Com sticker mine came off in the wash
    Barry McKeel
    5792 Catherine St.
    Harrisburg, Pa
    Great Site
    I'll get it sent out Barry. Thanks!
    The gear in your logo reminds me of the pressed on timing gear that may cost me a lot of money one day.
    That's kinda funny unfortunately. Let's hope that doesn't happen to any of us..
    Alan - the timing gear issue isn't common at all, so no worries! Drive more, worry less!
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    Reactions: BoostN
    I have almost scared myself out of buying my first diesel reading all the horror stories about oil in coolant reservoirs. Do you know if the problem still persists or has it been remedied.
    I am kind of curious if you can do a poll or vote on this forum. where everybody just votes once.
    Are there "really" a host of problems with the ecodiesel or can a lot of the problems be attributed to trying to modify a complicated engine transmission system.
    I think I am noticing a trend in the complaints.
    Great forum by the way. I am really watching before I attempt any mods.
    Can you add a "Performance and Tuning" category to the general ram discussion area?
    Yes, I was waiting for traffic to pick up in regards to that. I will get it added very soon..
    I added it, thanks for the suggestion!
    How do we post our pictures on showcase page...
    Go to the showcase tab, then click "Create Item" on the top right corner of the page.
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