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Recent content by Mblona

  1. M

    Turbo Fart?

    So recently I took my 2016 ED to my local dealership and had my turbo replaced due to excessive oil blow by in to the air charge tube. They had it for over a month going back a forth with the warranty company ( Compass Extended Warranty) and finally got the go ahead and they removed the cab and...
  2. M

    Turbo Replacement

    So while I was under my truck replacing the cheap plastic piece on the bottom of the bumper I noticed the air charge hose from the turbo to the intercooler was wet. I put my hand around it and sure enough...oil. Took it to the dealership and they confirmed it turbo was allowing an excessive...
  3. M

    Introduction "Newbie"

    Hello all! New owner of a 2016 Ram 1500 Eco Diesel SLT with 96000 miles. The dealership changed the oil before I picked it up. I changed the fuel filter once I got it home. I've been looking at these vehicles for quite some time. According to my research I have a few things to do, to get this...