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New to the forum and RAM diesel community


New Member
Oct 22, 2018
Truck Year
Just bought a 2016 Ram a couple weeks ago...my first truck and first diesel vehicle ever. Has 54k miles with a 6" lift, with 35" tires. Clean car fax, but no maintenance history beyond state inspections. Can I tow safely (6k pound camper) since truck doesn't have any kind air suspension or anything? 3.55 ratio. Any tips you can provide on diesel maintenance, recalls, etc. would be appreciated. I purchased from an independent dealer, and plan to have it checked out by the dealership this week. Truck is in such great shape, I am concerned why someone would get rid of it.


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
Welcome! We're glad to have you.. start by reading around the forum as we have plenty of info to go around. Fuel filters is something I always pay extra attention to on a diesel.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Just bought a 2016 Ram a couple weeks ago...my first truck and first diesel vehicle ever. Has 54k miles with a 6" lift, with 35" tires. Clean car fax, but no maintenance history beyond state inspections. Can I tow safely (6k pound camper) since truck doesn't have any kind air suspension or anything? 3.55 ratio. Any tips you can provide on diesel maintenance, recalls, etc. would be appreciated. I purchased from an independent dealer, and plan to have it checked out by the dealership this week. Truck is in such great shape, I am concerned why someone would get rid of it.

Most dealerships have No clue 3.0 on check ups, I do know this ,they will be checking out your wallet. this is not the engine you want to be your 1st time diesel, its made in cento Italy and has above normal failure rates , and is in a quagmire of legal actions.

My EGR cooler just started leaking about a month ago, I just received the parts to replace it under warranty, the EGR,, Plenum, turbo will also be replaced, I'm at 42K miles, and NO ED has seen better maintenance that I know of , At this point this will be the 2nd major repair on this 3.0. IMO this was a Zero build and would have puke itself to death just like the 1000s of other 3.0s.. if was NOT for my babying siting care ..The truck/trans combo is awesome its the 3.0 that needs to R.I.P

Long term ownership is going to be costly in many cases, so just save $$$$ and be ready for when it happens.

Yes their are some high mileage 3.0 but they are very rare.

I will be celebrating its departure after the EPA/DOJ final decision.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2016
Truck Year
Just bought a 2016 Ram a couple weeks ago...my first truck and first diesel vehicle ever. Has 54k miles with a 6" lift, with 35" tires. Clean car fax, but no maintenance history beyond state inspections. Can I tow safely (6k pound camper) since truck doesn't have any kind air suspension or anything? 3.55 ratio. Any tips you can provide on diesel maintenance, recalls, etc. would be appreciated. I purchased from an independent dealer, and plan to have it checked out by the dealership this week. Truck is in such great shape, I am concerned why someone would get rid of it.
Welcome to the Community.
I would agree to a point with TC about first diesel, as a mechanic my 2014 ED is my first diesel as well, but I have a stable of customers diesels to have experience with prior. You will need a good scanner to winnow out the false alarms, most FCA dealers have little to no idea on how to handle this 3.0L diesel. My 2014 has been great the last two years, I bought it used with 20K miles, but I have had several false codes, that with my experience and resources have been able to investigate without yanking out the turbo and all the injectors, which is the first line of defense for a dealer.
Pay attention to good oil, 5W-40 full synthetic, and fuel filter changes, I have been able to stay at every fourth oil change but I know of people who do more often. I use a good motor oil additive as well for good measure. I have Oil Analysis to back up strategy.
As for towing, without the 6" lift towing a 6K trailer would be no problem. And before everyone drives over me with a bus, my experience, that much lift places additional stress on suspension members and drive shaft universal joints, as well as steering system and adding additional stress of a trailer just tips everything into high maintenance zone. However, anything over 5K lbs. it is recommended by FCA and trailer industry that an equalizer hitch be used. This type of hitch will take some of the stress off your rear suspension. At that weight trailer brakes are also a must. Other than that rock on brother.
In my area dealers can't keep this little diesel on the lots. They are buying everything at auction and buying trades as fast as possible. Aftermarket is starting to catch up with some system parts. EPA was supposed to have announced settlement back in June but no official word as yet, personally would like it to be settled, a lot of aftermarket parts area waiting for that decision for me. My RAM and my wife's JEEP GC both have ED engines and I have plans for both. My RAM only has 82K miles but my wife's GC has 118K miles, also with Oil Analysis.
Good Luck and have fun.