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Exhaust filter 100% full Service Required

Al gmz

New Member
Nov 23, 2018
Truck Year
Traveling away from home today and got a message ‘Exhaust Filter 100% full. Service Required. See dealer.
It’s Jan 1st...no place to service today and I am traveling 750 miles over next two days. Is this a problem?
Also got error code yesterday ‘Service Electronic Throttle Control. It’s been between 0 and -16F here in Wisconsin for more than a week so the truck is drivable but looses power going up hills and won’t maintain highway speeds - fluctuates between 50 and 65. I don’t have a front grill cover on but plug in the engine block heater every night. Any one else having these problems in the present sub-zero temps?
Same here at 85733, 1300 miles from home,


New Member
Jan 6, 2019
Truck Year
IMO, 2014-17 ED 3.0 needs Stationary desoot 2+ times yearly when DD used. At this time WITECH is the only tool for desoot operation.
So the 2018 model.will.be better . Is that what u are sayin? I dont highway drive that much . Gathering info from this site and ot seems a evo just wont work for me most of the time. Unless i delete/tune then it becomes more reliable and normal . But no warranty .


Active Member
Sep 13, 2016
Truck Year
So the 2018 model.will.be better . Is that what u are sayin? I dont highway drive that much . Gathering info from this site and ot seems a evo just wont work for me most of the time. Unless i delete/tune then it becomes more reliable and normal . But no warranty .
Well I don't think the 2018 exhaust system will be any better or worse. However it has been apparent that for these ecodeisel driven as a Daily Driver with little to no highway time, sufficient to allow a regen cycle, that DPF issues are common. My wife's Jeep GC ed displays same issue in the summer time when she is driving less on highway and more like a DD, last summer she got the 80% full DPF message three times, she high idled for two events and drove highway for the third with no long term issue. My RAM I have sufficient highway time that I have never had that issue. If you drive mostly as DD TC recommends, rightly so, to have a forced regen, requiring the factory scan tool, at least twice a year to forestall DPF clogging issues.
The partial issue is that these exhaust systems are designed and built for over the road driving activities, read tractor trailer, and as such any deviation from that design parameter will require a subsequent modification of driving style, maintenance habits, or tune, possibly even rethinking the need for a diesel powered vehicle. The second issue is this is fairly new technology and it will improve as system failures are corrected if the EPA allows engineering design changes to alleviate short comings as they are identified.
Yes if you delete and retune you will loss warranty coverage and depending on the area of the country you live in, regulatory ramifications.
Good Luck.

Bob S.

Sep 1, 2016
Truck Year
Well I don't think the 2018 exhaust system will be any better or worse. However it has been apparent that for these ecodeisel driven as a Daily Driver with little to no highway time, sufficient to allow a regen cycle, that DPF issues are common. My wife's Jeep GC ed displays same issue in the summer time when she is driving less on highway and more like a DD, last summer she got the 80% full DPF message three times, she high idled for two events and drove highway for the third with no long term issue. My RAM I have sufficient highway time that I have never had that issue. If you drive mostly as DD TC recommends, rightly so, to have a forced regen, requiring the factory scan tool, at least twice a year to forestall DPF clogging issues.
The partial issue is that these exhaust systems are designed and built for over the road driving activities, read tractor trailer, and as such any deviation from that design parameter will require a subsequent modification of driving style, maintenance habits, or tune, possibly even rethinking the need for a diesel powered vehicle. The second issue is this is fairly new technology and it will improve as system failures are corrected if the EPA allows engineering design changes to alleviate short comings as they are identified.
Yes if you delete and retune you will loss warranty coverage and depending on the area of the country you live in, regulatory ramifications.
Good Luck.

I use the EDGE II on my 2014 Eco Diesel and can use it to initiate a burn when required with out any trouble. Plus you get see the actual soot level build up and the heat sensors throughout the system while the burn is in progress.
As I have said in the past if you are low speed driving a regen will start but drop out due to low speed ( you need to maintain approximately 2,300 RPM on the engine to keep the temperature up for the burn).
If I am driving in the city I just shift to manual shifting to maintain the 2,300 rpm and get the burn done!
It's way cheaper than taking it into a shop and driving in limp mode to that shop! When I am 4,800 km from my home in a Mexico I do not need the agrivation!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
The problem with Active regens, the process does NOT burn out the ash in the DPF, last Thursday NIGHT I had and owner that was willing to pay anything to get rid of his 100% full message and Service ET, it took 1.5 hrs to clean his DPF, it was 2017 with 38K miles

It cost him $125.00 and 4 gallons of diesel.

According to him it just jumped to 100%


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
The AlphaOBD software ($49.99) will now do a stationary desoot/regen. if you get the 100% full message. Finally an affordable solution.

Great info! Great options for those that are out of warranty or want to be able to do it without the dealership charging big money!

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
If it works great, that message can be stubborn, I had to re-flash the PCM/BCM to get rid of it.


Mar 22, 2017
Truck Year
Hi all just reading the page, Is it possible to not have ever had a regen
with 75+k on the truck???? have never seen it pop up on the screen????...


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
Hi all just reading the page, Is it possible to not have ever had a regen
with 75+k on the truck???? have never seen it pop up on the screen????...

Welcome Brad. If you don't see the regen message on your dash, that means the regen process is working. It runs in the background and as long as you drive enough distance trips to keep the engine within the regen parameters you'll never see the message unless something else is wrong usually.

Richard Bays

New Member
May 30, 2016
Truck Year
Traveling away from home today and got a message ‘Exhaust Filter 100% full. Service Required. See dealer.
It’s Jan 1st...no place to service today and I am traveling 750 miles over next two days. Is this a problem?
Also got error code yesterday ‘Service Electronic Throttle Control. It’s been between 0 and -16F here in Wisconsin for more than a week so the truck is drivable but looses power going up hills and won’t maintain highway speeds - fluctuates between 50 and 65. I don’t have a front grill cover on but plug in the engine block heater every night. Any one else having these problems in the present sub-zero temps?
Can't help you with that issue but at those temperatures the front cover should be on. Should be on when temps are below freezing with flaps open and below 20F(-7C) - close the flaps. You want as much heat kept in the engine compartment as possible. First place the fuel 'gels" is in the filter, the paraffins clog the filter pores.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
The filter is located Mid frame , The Cover will do nothing for Fuel gelling, The real issue in the cold is VM again and the poor programing that does NOT allow the VGT ( Turbo Back Pressure) vanes to engage at Idle. Your CAC temp will raise installing that cover in temps above 30F, that equals less air density increase soot. You want as cold of combustion air as possible to have better combustion.

Diesel lose 75% of the combustion heat VIA exhaust, either use that heat to warm the coolant by EGR or Turbo Back pressure , NO cover on any diesel is going to change the laws that govern MODERN day blue tech engines.

The cover will have very little impact on engine operations, it will aid in cabin heat that's about it.


New Member
Feb 19, 2019
Truck Year
Welcome Brad. If you don't see the regen message on your dash, that means the regen process is working. It runs in the background and as long as you drive enough distance trips to keep the engine within the regen parameters you'll never see the message unless something else is wrong usually.
mine keeps doing this and i have had to do a regen 2 times over the last year and now its got the engine light on again. i personally think there are issues with my truck but no one listens. I drive on the highway alot, so its not from not blowing out the cobwebs

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Active Regens will NOT burn out the ash that cumulates in the DPF, only Stationary De-sooting several times will clean it out


New Member
Feb 5, 2019
Truck Year
Angelaj67: I had the same problem... Service Electronic Throttle Control and the only code was for the DPF being full. When you say you have the engine light, do you have the Check Engine Light and Service Electronic Throttle Control? Is the Exhaust Filter 100% message also showing up? If it is, then you will have to get a stationary/forced regen run at the dealer. I tried everything I could find, except for the AlphaOBD (I did not buy that).

My truck is back up to normal operating conditions after yesterday's forced/stationary regen. It only took one cycle.

Note: I have been driving around derated for 3 weeks. My Edge Insight CTS2 monitor arrived 1 week after this problem started. It said 0% soot level, which I thought was strange and even Edge when I talked to them could not explain that, but they admit they do zero testing or development for the ecodiesel. Must be once the Exhaust Filter 100% Full Dealer Service Required message comes up, it puts the Edge into a reading of 0%? I hope I never again see 0% on the Edge!

I did not hook my Edge up until I got home, but it was at 27% after the 20 mile trip home. After running another 40-50 miles throughout the day, I parked it in my garage last night with the Edge indicating 59%.

The dealer's service department and their ecodiesel certified tech did talk me into purchasing a grill cover. For $120 and using a 15% OFF coupon I will use the grill cover in Northern Michigan when it is under 30 degrees if it will keep this from happening. It only cost me $150 to get the regen done this time -- because I paid another $85 at my local dealer and they could not get the regen to run -- this dealer has my business going forward.

The tech was obviously not a fan of the ecodiesel, but he was pretty open about giving advice:
  1. The truck has a great cooling system. That is not ideal for winter conditions, though. The grill cover is essential for getting the temps up over 190 and he said 200 is better for regens; makes sense, but to me, why is this truck not smart enough to allow the coolant to stay warm enough as long as the truck is above idle and moving down the road?
  2. He made a statement that seemed sort of odd to me. He said that I should see the message come up when the truck is not able to maintain less than 80% for the DPF by its normal operation. At 80% he said I should see the EVIC information tell me that it needs to be run at highway speeds and that it is at 80%... same for 90%... Well, I have never seen anything related to regenerations on this truck come up on the EVIC. After 113,000 miles, I doubt this was the first regen in its lifetime.
  3. He did a battery check and it came back at 775 CCA out of its original 800 rating for the stock battery. On a 2015, that seems really good after 4 years. No worries there.
  4. They are not fans of anything being plugged into the OBDII port. I told them I bought the Edge to monitor more information than the EVIC displays. They said that some tuners/programmers can affect/trick the computer into thinking that the regen has been run recently or that it is not needed when it is or that the soot level is lower than it really is. Whatever their fears, the tech did say that the Edge monitor should not be any problem (he knows it is not a tuner and he knows the brand).
  5. In discussing the previous failure from my local dealer to run the stationary regen, the tech said that it would not run unless the code was active. I said, the code was active as soon as the truck starts up, it never went off as far as I knew... the CEL and SETC lights/messages were always on when the truck was running since this started. He said, no. The code was 'stored or pending' until it goes active once it is driven. So he had to drive the truck to activate the code for the WiTECH2 to run the regen. I will bring this to my local dealer's attention when I go back to see about a refund for their failure.
  6. My 7-10 mile one-way trip to town on rural 55mph roads is not enough to regen this system -- especially when the conditions force other drivers to do much less than 55. I can understand this statement if it is true the truck has to be well over 190 to do a regen. The truck gets up to 185-190 about half-way to my office, but then it cools down under 190 whenever I slow down or am off the throttle in these 20 degree or less temps outside. With the grill cover, that should change considerably. If it doesn't I will be the first to report that it is worthless.
  7. There was some talk about limiting top gear to 4th or 5th to keep RPMs up over 2000 while driving at less than freeway speeds. The tech did admit that the stationary regen runs at 2500RPM, so this idea has merit to keep the coolant temp and EGTs high.
  8. The tech had never heard of somebody doing a park regen in their driveway by setting the parking brake and keeping the RPMs above 2000RPMs. He said the system has to read that the truck is moving to go into regen... otherwise you would have a huge risk with 1200 degree temps coming out of the exhaust tips while stopped. He said that would melt or ignite things nearby.

There was never a conversation about getting the block heater cord to plug in the truck in these conditions. I did not bring it up and neither did they. I am fortunate to have a heated garage, so the truck has a nice cozy start in the mornings. However, my condition started when it was about -12 degrees for two nights that it sat.

Another funny thing I noticed is that they left the truck running when they pulled it around and I still had to check out with the cashier (it was 4 degrees when I got there around 7:45am and almost 20 degrees when I left at 11:00am). Guess they do not mind idling these trucks.

TC Diesel, I agree with you on most everything you are saying regarding cold air being better for combustion and that grill cover should do nothing to improve this condition, with one exception... that to me is the ability to get the engine to 200 degrees. I have driven around for about a month with this truck and focused on the temps and it was clear that the truck could not get to 200 degrees at all. It seems to me that 170 should be enough to handle regen duties, but this truck will not get to 170 sitting still unless you hold the throttle down. Therefore, it has to move to regen and when the truck is moving, the grill cover will definitely help the motor get up to temp quicker and stay higher once it gets there.

BoostN: In line with what you said about the regen system working behind the scenes, my big test will be later today when I get the truck over 60% soot level. Will the regen happen automatically/passively? If so, yes, great! Everything is working according to plan. Or will the Edge be able to now do the 'mobile regen' when I trigger it? I will definitely be triggering it if it gets to 81% and: I see nothing on the EVIC, the temps do not go up on the EGTs, and/or the soot level does not begin to drop automatically.

Final note, I do not have the grill cover yet. It had to be ordered and should be in by Friday. Based on my current rate of soot accumulation, I will need to regen before I get the grill cover installed. It is awesome to have this truck back. You really do appreciate the power and smoothness of this truck when everything is working properly!


New Member
Feb 5, 2019
Truck Year
Active Regens will NOT burn out the ash that cumulates in the DPF, only Stationary De-sooting several times will clean it out
TC Diesel, the active (rolling) regen should get hot enough to create the ash from the soot and the exhaust pressure will expel the ash, right? The filter is not meant to be serviceable or to capture all the soot/ash.


New Member
Feb 19, 2019
Truck Year
Well I don't think the 2018 exhaust system will be any better or worse. However it has been apparent that for these ecodeisel driven as a Daily Driver with little to no highway time, sufficient to allow a regen cycle, that DPF issues are common. My wife's Jeep GC ed displays same issue in the summer time when she is driving less on highway and more like a DD, last summer she got the 80% full DPF message three times, she high idled for two events and drove highway for the third with no long term issue. My RAM I have sufficient highway time that I have never had that issue. If you drive mostly as DD TC recommends, rightly so, to have a forced regen, requiring the factory scan tool, at least twice a year to forestall DPF clogging issues.
The partial issue is that these exhaust systems are designed and built for over the road driving activities, read tractor trailer, and as such any deviation from that design parameter will require a subsequent modification of driving style, maintenance habits, or tune, possibly even rethinking the need for a diesel powered vehicle. The second issue is this is fairly new technology and it will improve as system failures are corrected if the EPA allows engineering design changes to alleviate short comings as they are identified.
Yes if you delete and retune you will loss warranty coverage and depending on the area of the country you live in, regulatory ramifications.
Good Luck.
i drive my eco on the highway several times a week and still have DPF clogging issues. its a 2016 so that may be it but i think i just got a lemon

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year

You are creating soot during the Active Regen Cycle, It just does not get the ash burnout, It takes considerable more fuel during the Stationary Desooting , if you injected that amount during operating you would be increasing wear to the rotating mass.

The best way to check your DPF after stationary desooting is the sniff test, Yep Sniff test, go back to exhaust tail pipe and sniff if it smells do the cycle again until all the odor/smell is gone, at times you have to drive the vehicle after the 1st desooting, it has taken Me up to 3 stationary desoots to get it all cleaned out..

I do agree on the WF, in cold temps it will aidin faster warm ups, just open it or remove when temps warm up...Gzee I see that WF when it 40F + You want cool dense air, it more efficient combustion and lowers the soot levels.


New Member
Feb 5, 2019
Truck Year
i drive my eco on the highway several times a week and still have DPF clogging issues. its a 2016 so that may be it but i think i just got a lemon
Define highway driving for you? Are these 55mph highways? 70 or 75 mph? Are they freeways where there are no stops or slow downs? Is the truck over 190 degrees before you get on the highway? How long are the stretches in time and distance? etc...