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EPA approval of emissions components and tuning

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
It hasn't rendered it ineffective. their is a bypass. If you register with the NVFL and get a WIC # I'm sure it would pass....I willing to go to MI to prove YOU wrong ,But you do the leg work. and pay for the drive time, if it fails I will reimburse you the cost. I already tested it with the equipment we have its not the caliber of the NVFL but it more then NO MIL/CEL tune.

Their is a EGR valve that regulates the EGR, its a big gap on how much gases you need to limit the Cylinder temps to stop NOx gases.
I'm more willing then GDE who is in the same state as NVFL.

I did this for NO profit on ,My own volition on My own Vehicle, It does NOT does deceive the maker, If I tune My Own Vehicle I will remove the certification it was sold under.

You can sell under Race or competition use, the Guide lines are Clear and Most aftermarket companies follow the rules , I have posted them many times, GDE DOES NOT remove the label that ECM met certification Disclosed the use ONLY. O maybe this is WHY if the vehicle was checked and the certification was gone the vehicle would be flagged, If the owner provided paper work of seller , The EPA would show up with the local authorities and audit the books, Just like they did at BD,SCT, and the Big ones H&S & Edge.

And trust Me on this one I paid $10,000s in fines to those GOV branches, I wouldn't want anyone to have to deal with those hound Dogs and this includes GDE. I think GDE should fire their legal firm and hire someone that Know WTH their doing. Eventually the EPA will grab the low hanging fruit just like they did to the aftermarket companies I mentioned , they paid $10,000s in fines also.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
TC, the burden of proof is on you. in the meantime you are clearly in violation of EPA regulations. I'm not judging you, but you know the old saying people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

not sure why you keep bringing GDE into the conversation? I can't help but think it's like the pot calling the kettle black. lol

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
I like the statement Proof is on Me. John YOU call Member(s) out then retreat the moment You JOHN need to put forth More Effort Then Keystrokes. So John How much exhaust gases are necessary to drop the flame temps to stop or minimize NOx? this would be required to know in order to claim I violated the certification, The EPA rule is devices that violate the certification, So its all speculation on your part until YOU JOHN can Prove that it cannot meet the OE certification, Since you clearly are Not Willing to put forth the effort or the capital to prove I'm in violation your just guessing.

Mr Reed There are several different types Regen, but what really happens is self cleaning, The ED uses the exhaust stroke to inject small amounts of fuel, The fuel burns when it reacts ( Extreme Heat 1200F+) to the material the internals of the DPF are made of, this is know as a filter to capture soot particles, the soot builds until its restrictive the pressure is measure and triggers the cycle, But it can also passive Regen this is when exhaust temps remain High for long periods of Time, 1000F+, Your ED can hit 1500F under certain conditions, but the OP will pick this up and de-rate power (defuel) if necessary

The EVIC will Display a warning when X% soot is detected and will ask that you drive at HWY speeds as it counts down the % during Active Regen cycle(s)

Their is also Aggressive Regen This requires WITECH and someone Knows WTH they are doing , BC the engine will ramp to 3000RPMs for 30 minutes.


Active Member
Aug 30, 2016
Truck Year
I find John's posts ill informed and just plain annoying. He is obviously not even in the same universe as TC Diesel is when it comes to knowledge of this subject matter. John, read more, post less.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
I find John's posts ill informed and just plain annoying. He is obviously not even in the same universe as TC Diesel is when it comes to knowledge of this subject matter. John, read more, post less.

What's annoying is when people express their opinion as fact. Useless and pointless knowledge might be what you need to satisfy your desire to post. I won't suggest you don't post or question your knowledge, but I will suggest you at least attempt to comprehend what you read.

My statements concerning subject manner in this topic are factual. I don't claim to be some expert. I just stick with the facts. If you are annoyed, please try to get over it.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
John Your facts are limited to Copy and Paste. John, YOU Have 0 experience ..YOU have NEVER even attempted to aid anyone other then yourself, you type like the social media keystroke Kings, that have NEVER put any effort or labor for anyone else's benefit. You get some type of personal Intellectual high elevating Yourself by challenging anyone OPINION even if is supported by decades of experience's.

I'm Sure If I label a filter 2mic and published it ,you would believe it, even thou its only gets less then 5% of 2mics / 50% 5mics 98% of 10 mics This 2mic label filter is good But many think its getting 100% of 2mics.
You can't always believe what you read or is published


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
I agree Personal attacks serve no purpose on the forum.

I learned a long time ago people will often put others down in an effort to feel better about themselves.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
John Your facts are limited to Copy and Paste. John, YOU Have 0 experience ..YOU have NEVER even attempted to aid anyone other then yourself, you type like the social media keystroke Kings, that have NEVER put any effort or labor for anyone else's benefit. You get some type of personal Intellectual high elevating Yourself by challenging anyone OPINION even if is supported by decades of experience's.

I'm Sure If I label a filter 2mic and published it ,you would believe it, even thou its only gets less then 5% of 2mics / 50% 5mics 98% of 10 mics This 2mic label filter is good But many think its getting 100% of 2mics.
You can't always believe what you read or is published

My copy & paste facts are from the EPA website. Apparently you do not understand the facts and you think it's legal to defeat the EGR.

I do like to debate when I disagree with others opinions. This should be accomplished in a mature and diplomatic manner.

I must admit when someones assumes their opinion is fact just because it's theirs, it does rub me the wrong way.

I will not lower myself to your standards as far as personal attracts are concerned. Feel free to fire away with personal attacks if it makes you feel better about yourself. I have thick skin and will not let it get the best of me.

I assume you are very young in age and perhaps someday you will see things in a different light.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
WHAT PART OF THIS DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND. UNPLUGGING THE ACTURATOR DOES NOT RENDER THE EGR DEFEATED. or inoperative. it just restricts the flow, which is up for debate what volume is necessary to meet the OE certification, The previous model Jeep and even the 3.0 schematics show the incorrect device that's on the 3.0 ED, its show electronic operated gate when its NOT.
John, you just refuse to allow the facts, you still are not willing to prove anyone wrong other then some twisted diplomacy.

I don't like being confrontational either....But personal attack should be equal to professional attacks or challenges . And I will be the 1st to admit when needing correction. I respect and even go the point of Honoring member's opinions including Yours John.

Mr Reed

New Member
Aug 27, 2016
Truck Year
Ok.... how do I stop getting notifications of updates to this thread. My question was answered a long time ago. I do not wish to view this sword rattling any longer.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
At the bottom of the email you will find a link .If you no longer wish to receive these emails, you may disable emails from this thread

Click on the link to disable further notifications.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2015
WHAT PART OF THIS DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND. UNPLUGGING THE ACTURATOR DOES NOT RENDER THE EGR DEFEATED. or inoperative. it just restricts the flow, which is up for debate what volume is necessary to meet the OE certification, The previous model Jeep and even the 3.0 schematics show the incorrect device that's on the 3.0 ED, its show electronic operated gate when its NOT.
John, you just refuse to allow the facts, you still are not willing to prove anyone wrong other then some twisted diplomacy.

I don't like being confrontational either....But personal attack should be equal to professional attacks or challenges . And I will be the 1st to admit when needing correction. I respect and even go the point of Honoring member's opinions including Yours John.
cartoon_upset.png dead horse.jpg


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
Truck Year
I'm with John on this. TC Diesel - you aren't making sense. You hammer away at GDE for their emissions modification and then later claim you have unplugged your EGR actuator AND run distilled water rather than DEF fluid...both violations of emissions regulations. This is hypocritical.

I think what everyone, especially John, is responding to is your aggressive tone, especially towards GDE. I'm not sure if you guys had an unpleasant e-mail conversion, phone conversation or whatever, but you clearly think GDE has wronged you in some way. I don't think that attacking GDE on these forums is a healthy way to express your anger towards them.


Staff member
Jul 27, 2013
Truck Year
Not Listed
FYI.. I have no censorship here. I don't delete or edit posts like Hillary deletes emails..

But, I'm glad we're able to have a healthy discussion around this. It benefits all of our members to know the different facts and opinions.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2016
Truck Year
Tc diesel unplugging the vacuum actuator that opens the valve feeding the egr cooler well render it closed aka disabled, that's just how it works. Yes some exhaust well still get past it but not enough to count. Now the egr valve itself is controlled electrically on both the Rams and the Jeeps. Also running water in place of def is rendering the scr ineffective which is also considered tampering with an emissions device. But go ahead and burn your bridges.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
The EGR Valve is 100% open/Closed electronically, The Actuator is vacuum operated VIA electronically. GDE started this myth and even posted wrong schematics Form TechAuthority, I emailed them long ago FCA on this and the last time I checked its still wrong.

Anyone can test this for themselves.
1 Remove diffuser tube.
2 Plug the plenum inlet port
3 Remove the EGR thermo couple.
4 Block tires, set Parking Brake ,Start engine, 2 people are necessary at this point, Have the Person behind the wheel step on brake hard place in safest Gear R/D run the RPMs up to 1200 the other person can plug and unplug the Actuator Vacuum line , put your other hand over the thermo-couple port When the person behind the wheel lets off/on the APPS up to 1200/1300 RPMs you can Feel the volume change when the actuator is plug in and when its NOT its restricted.

I even diverted the exit port form the EGR to under the vehicle, Capped the Plenum Inlet and drove around for days with no problem other then the increased noise and the P245 pop up 1 time. I'm thinking you could add a port into exhaust and Divert x % of the exhaust gases out the tail pipe.

The ED is just laden with Myths started BY &**^%) and will NOT die.

This option is for owners that want to have knowledge on the ED FACTS . If anyone wants to learn how the EDs functions stay in this thread if YOU challenge MAKE SURE it on the platform of advancing knowledge NOT debase on proving ME wrong on Keystrokes.

Weather or Weather NOT the restrictions violates the certification is up for Debate.
Shutting the EGR VALVE 100% VIA electronically, any reasonable thinking person would conclude it would fail the certification.

MY OAs are much cleaner with the Actuator unplugged.

Lets See DEF 67% Deionized Water, 33% Urea , What's More effective LOL

Burning Bridges SO WHAT, I'll build 10 More for every 1 YOU Claim I burn down. LOL


Active Member
Nov 1, 2015
Truck Year
"Weather or Weather NOT the restrictions violates the certification is up for Debate. "

Just because you say it is up for debate doesn't mean it is. You are wrong, absolutely 100% wrong. There is no debate on this.

This is the text of the Clean Air Act:

"(3)(A) for any person to remove or render inoperative any device or element of design installed on or in a motor vehicle or motor vehicle engine in compliance with regulations under this subchapter prior to its sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser, or for any person knowingly to remove or render inoperative any such device or element of design after such sale and delivery to the ultimate purchaser; "

Unplugging the vacuum line to the EGR actuator renders that valve inoperable, something that is specifically prohibited in the Clean Air Act. This is an actual fact.

(I don't care what you do with your truck, nor do I agree with the overall framework put forward by the CLA. This is not a judgement on your decision to unplug your EGR. Finally, "passing emissions testing" does not mean you have not violated the CLA. I have many vehicles that "pass testing" but are not compliant.)