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Well I've joined the club! unfortunately


New Member
Jan 8, 2022
Truck Year
Well let me tell you my story. Had my eco-diesel since 2015 when I bought it new. Haven't really had much trouble with it. 2015 Longhorn Laramie in Prarie Pearl color. Lots of complements on the color. Last Tuesday left Central Florida for the mountains of Georgia, a 9 hour drive, got within 65 miles of my destination and passed a slow moving car on a two lane road and when I got back into the lane, the engine started knocking. checked the gauge and the dash readout, oil pressure was 30 pds, water and transmission temperature was fine, thought I'd nurse it another 60 miles to my destination where there was a Chrysler Ram dealer to fix it while I stayed in the town for another 5 days. Wrong! got about 10 miles more and then complete failure, engine quite and no oil pressure warning came up on the dash. got it to the side of the road and called AAA. Got on the phone to 3 dealerships in the area (very rural area) and two said they couldn't even look at it for 3 weeks. one did say that they could look at it the next week. Had it towed there and had to have a relative drive us an hour away to get a rental car to get home to Florida. Dealer called on Monday night and said the mechanic said his initial diagnosis is "internal engine". Would not start tearing into the engine until today or tomorrow. The truck has 150,000 miles on it and was running great. I fear the worse, new engine? $7,500 to $10,000 I guess and will have to leave my truck in North Georgia up to what 3 months because of supply chain problem. Warranty went out at 135,000 miles with the exception of th extended warranty that was part of the Class Action Lawsuit filed many years ago against FCA on the eco-diesel. It does cover some things and I hope it covers this or maybe the warrantied item caused the problem. All recalls have been done with the exception of the current air bag issue. I really have loved this truck and it's one of the nicest vehicles I've owned, all the bells and whistles, air ride etc. great travel vehicle. With as many of these engines quiting on the owners, sounds like it's time for another class action lawsuit on these. Diesels are supposed to last 3, 4 or 500,000 miles. I'll keep you posted on my plight.


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
Sorry to hear about this. I had a 2015 and 2016 which both imploded so I went with the Hemi and on Cummins until last year when I purchased a 2021 Ram 1500 Big Horn Ecodiesel. It is night/day different than my 2nd Gen Ecodiesels and well worth the money. If you have to bite the bullet, don't be concerning about the 3rd Gen as I know several guys who came from the 2nd Gen and love it. Wishing you the best whatever you decide to do!


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
2020-22 rate of failure is equal to 2014-19. The VM 3.0 sales continue to fall....2020 Plus are the same problems (Rotating Mass failure ) and will be more prevalent and costly as the 2024+ rolls around. https://cararac.com/blog/2022-ram-ecodiesel-problems.html
You must be joking or extremely ignorant about the 3rd Gen Ecodiesel to cite such a poorly written, non-factual, lacking in statistics article. Dmitry Sapko is a nobody who wrote a powder puff article about an engine he clearly knows nothing about which is evidenced by his series of "may" do this or "may" do that statements. These ridiculous statements are nullified by his statement "we want to say that the 3.0 V6 EcoDiesel is actually quite reliable." I can't believe you utilized that trashy article as support for your assertion as neither you nor the article hit the mark. Try again...

Feel free to provide FACTS and STATISTICS on failures of the 3rd Gen Ecodiesel and perhaps someone mike take you seriously. Until then you appear to be a sad, angry, and upset FORMER 2nd Gen Ecodiesel owner who knows as much about the 3rd Gen Ecodiesel as your buddy Dmitry.

P.S. Feel free to check out this forum as well as the other three major forums on Ecodiesels as you will not find the failures you claim. Finally, the site you utilized to base your comment is registered in Novosibirskaya, Russia...a font of integrity and knowledge (not!).


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
Not everybody visits forums to report engine failures. As a matter of fact, most truck owners do not visit forums. That is a fact.
Again, another comment from the peanut gallery with ZERO facts or statistics...likewise, you clearly don't understand how forums work. If someone will complain about an issue, they will do it on a forum. Most will rarely provide praise but forums appear to be the venus fly trap for issues.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
DoneSouth..No, Not ignorant at all, The ignorant are the ones that have no clue or concern themselves with 6 Years of Failures, 4 billion in losses and the untold misery of 10,000s VM owners have suffered the last 7 Years. I just used another source that has an open mind that's intellectually not contaminated with the Kool-Aid. I couldn't care any less concerning you...DoneSouth. My post are for the Downside of owning any VM 3.0. Its a roll of the Dice, if its snake eye's your (*&^*() if its seven's roll on, If you can't comprehend My posting its this simple hit the ignore button.

VM has dropped its ad campaign connect to the Ram 3.0VM its not only Me that has No trust in the power plant.


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
DoneSouth..No, Not ignorant at all, The ignorant are the ones that have no clue or concern themselves with 6 Years of Failures, 4 billion in losses and the untold misery of 10,000s VM owners have suffered the last 7 Years. I just used another source that has an open mind that's intellectually not contaminated with the Kool-Aid. I couldn't care any less concerning you...DoneSouth. My post are for the Downside of owning any VM 3.0. Its a roll of the Dice, if its snake eye's your (*&^*() if its seven's roll on, If you can't comprehend My posting its this simple hit the ignore button.

VM has dropped its ad campaign connect to the Ram 3.0VM its not only Me that has No trust in the power plant.
Great we agree you have no facts...just an opinion...like everyone else on this forum. And your assertions are as useless as your assumptions.

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Its My blood and skin I left on My VM3.0 the years of baby sitting that Power plant the 4.25 Years I own it. The 100s of owners that have call Me with tears because they don't have the $5-10K for repairs without no help from Fiat. Now bring on your 2020+ My 2019 5.7L will out perform it in every category, It cost less per mile to operate DSL VS Gas, it will out pull the 3.0VM, The Insurance, maintenance is considerably less, My 5.7 will likely never have major repair in 200K miles driving unlike all the intake, EGR, turbo problems surrounding any DSL, the 3rd gen Technology VM added to the powerplant was dropped by every DSL power plant manufacture in N/A, It will never leave me stranded 100-1000s of miles away due to SCR/DEF issues.


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
Wow! My apologies to the OP as this thread drew out the only two knuckle dragging, mouth breathers on the forum as these two crybabies just don't get it. They're like a couple of toddlers reaching into your diaper and slinging crap.

Try again boys with facts and statistics about the failures of the 3rd Gen Ecodiesel otherwise we'll continue to laugh at your ridiculous responses...you've already shown all forum member your lack of intelligence, now try to save the little dignity you have remaining.

P.S. I'm out of this discussion that started out well and then got ridiculous when the two poster children of STUPID decided to interject their hyperbole (look it up fools).


Apr 3, 2021
Truck Year
Have you stated any facts? NO you haven't. Only your ignorance and foolish pride. I feel sorry for anyone that has to deal with you on a daily basis.


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
Have you stated any facts? NO you haven't. Only your ignorance and foolish pride. I feel sorry for anyone that has to deal with you on a daily basis.
That's the point fool...there are no facts or statistics ANYWHERE to prove the 3rd Gen Ecodiesel "2020-22 rate of failure is equal to 2014-19" as asserted by your hillbilly kin. Given this fact, it's his - or yours if you can put a sentence together with statistics or a few charts (look those up too) - to prove his ridiculous and unfounded assertion.

Try again...

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Donesouth don't play that Card, its your lack of concern for the OP Mlinth situation. He was NOT prepared for the cost of complete failure, left him stranded, Its overseas MFG so repairs and down time are considerably more, And what do You want him to do possibly buy another same power plant with the same risk and difficulties. If the OP would have followed My recommendations to Do OAs trends, he likely would have some advance warning, thus avoiding the dilemma he's now in, NOT buy into again.


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
Donesouth don't play that Card, its your lack of concern for the OP Mlinth situation. He was NOT prepared for the cost of complete failure, left him stranded, Its overseas MFG so repairs and down time are considerably more, And what do You want him to do possible buy another same power plant with the same risk and difficulties. If the OP would have followed My recommendations to Do OAs trends, he likely would have some advance warning, thus avoiding the dilemma he's now in, NOT buy into again.
"buy another same power plant with the same risk and difficulties"

Another ASSertion with zero facts or statistics to back it up.

Try again...

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
Hmmmm, So the 3rd Gen VM 3.0 has NO , ERG, DPF, DEF, SCR , Turbo, a completely NEW rotating assembly, The facts are 3rd Gen is even more over engineered and less developed. In long term ownership in DD use it will cost more to repair and more down time.


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
Hmmmm, So the 3rd Gen VM 3.0 has NO , ERG, DPF, DEF, SCR , Turbo, a completely NEW rotating assembly, The facts are 3rd Gen is even more over engineered and less developed. In long term ownership in DD use it will cost more to repair and more down time.
Ah, let see. Yep, another opinion. Still no statistics to prove "2020-22 rate of failure is equal to 2014-19."

Another swing and a miss...


Apr 3, 2021
Truck Year
"P.S. I'm out of this discussion that started out well and then got ridiculous when the two poster children of STUPID decided to interject their hyperbole (look it up fools)."

DumbSouth...I thought you were out of this discussion!


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
"P.S. I'm out of this discussion that started out well and then got ridiculous when the two poster children of STUPID decided to interject their hyperbole (look it up fools)."

DumbSouth...I thought you were out of this discussion!
I am...simply pointing out the obvious - that neither of you know what you're talking about as it's all based upon opinion...no facts, no statistics, nothing.

Care to try again? As I suspected, a couple of gomers trying to make a name for themselves in the world...


Aug 8, 2021
Truck Year
Additionally, illustrating your ignorance on the matter has helped get the forum count moving again.

Keep trying...you might emit an intelligent response concerning the 3rd Gen...someday.