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2018 Problems??


Mar 22, 2017
Truck Year
Got my truck back today with the new engine. They tore down the old engine and said root cause was lower main bearing failure. Engine was seized up, so they had to remove the torque converter from the transmission, then take it off the engine once the engine was removed. I have read that this is common when this engine seizes up. They also had to fix 2 broken bolts on the turbo charger. The truck seems to be running much better than it did when I bought it, so I am thinking the engine was already giving away at time of purchase.

I do have one question for the experienced Ecodiesel owners, and that is, before my truck blew up The only time I heard the Turbo was during acceleration. With the new engine, I still hear the turbo during acceleration, but now I hear a very loud WHOOSHING sound at the front passenger side of the engine every time I let off the gas pedal or when the truck shifts gears during acceleration. I am being told that this normal for turbo chargers. However this is a VGT, so it doesn't have a waste gate or blow off valve and secondly the truck was not making the sound with the previous engine.

Is the whooshing sound normal? Did I not hear it before, because the previous engine was possibly failing already when I purchased it? Or did they possibly mess up my torque converter, to where it is not locking up and causing my turbo to make too much boost?

The sound is very annoying and worrisome, since this is an engine replacement. Might be nothing, but after loosing an engine just 800 miles after buying the truck my confidence in this truck is severely lacking.
Flex pipe is loose or broken studs..


New Member
Jan 27, 2020
Truck Year
Flex pipe is loose or broken studs..

I took it back to the dealership and they checked everything over and couldn't find anything wrong. Their mechanic said the sound is normal and let me hear his ecodiesel. Sure enough it sounded the same. The dealership is thinking the engine was pretty much shot when they sold me the truck, so most likely I didn't hear the sound, due to my old engine not having any power or making boost with the turbo. I have to say the difference between the old engine and this engine is dramatic. I can tell A HUGE difference in power, performance and MPG.

Here is hoping this engine isn't one of the lemons, because I love the truck and so far I love the new engine.

ricky m

New Member
May 3, 2020
Truck Year
purchased new 2018 eco diesel in june of 2018. i now have 33000 km and its at the dealership waiting on a new motor.they said a connecting rod broke and left lots of proof in the oil pan.im not too happy now. thuoght i loved this truck but dont know now. might trade for a hemi.


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2018
Truck Year
Not Listed
33000k =20500 so I would say un tuned next one tune and love your truck

TC Diesel

Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2016
Truck Year
33000k =20500 so I would say un tuned next one tune and love your truck

That improve your chances of less cost in long term ownership, but it won't stop the engine form puking.


New Member
Feb 18, 2021
Truck Year
I have a '15 ED, with 71,000 miles. Of that I have towed 6,500 lb. travel trailer over 13,000 miles. I have covered all of the western States, north to south and back.
Arizona has some interesting roads into and out of Phoenix.
I went north on 17 to Flagstaff with no major issues. If you get a new one at least get a Laramie with the engine monitoring option, so you can scare yourself on oil temperatures. In the cold of morning north bound it is normal to see 265 degrees on oil temperatures, even a flash of 270 on the tougher grades.
It is designed that way to evaporate the diesel out of the engine oil. The computer pumps diesel into every exhaust stroke in the engine to light off the emissions exhaust system, for those of us that stayed with the stock system.
So far, I have never had a dash light tell me any warning about anything, I figure it is because I live 14 miles outside Olympia, in a rural environment.
Every time I go somewhere, the system gets well exercised, heated to operating temperatures in every way, regeneration of the exhaust just happens normally.
I get about 8,500 miles out of the DEF tank. I refill DEF at the Pilot station half way to Olympia, when I need about $5.00 worth, half a tank.
Somewhere in this forum there is excellent reading article from an Amco engineer about diesel in motor oil. He explains why it is done by design, and how oil viscosity(yah spell check) is designed and maintained at higher temperatures.
Other places in this forum cover the Engine top end issues. Fiat has determined they can put the overhead cam shafts and sprocket drives together without a "key" by hot / cold pressure construction.
Guess what, some fail. The exhaust sprocket tends to spin on the valve shaft/cam. That they replace the engine up to 100,000 miles on warranty is nice.
My question is why not design for the long haul with a keyed sprocket. Even cheep skate Henry Ford did it in model "T's".
I see people changing oil before 10,000 miles. Some with testing go further. Why, to both?
FCA, has issues, but they back their motor. I have had good luck so far so I feel the need to continue as they ask.
My concern now is antifreeze. What is the recommended change interval. Is anyone out there using the new nonwater based coolant, Evans, is the brand name? I am very interested.
Coolant change every 150,000 miles. Just sent a sample for analysis